Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Macro Photography Lens

Macro photography has some of the most expensive lens on the photography market. But, there are some very easy workarounds to get the results you're looking for for a low cost. The most popular workaround in macro photography is the reverse lens. When you reverse a lens on your DSLR camera, it does not only raise the magnification, but Also shortens the minimum focusing distance, making this perfect for macro photography. It is very easy to get started with this macro method. The best way to do this is by purchasing a reverse ring, which go for less than five US dollars. Keep in mind that you are reversing the lens onto the ca,era so the shorter the length of the lens, the greater magnification will be achieved. For an even less expensive alternative for the lens, consider buying an M42 lens, and gluing your reverse ring to the front. This is because M42 lenses are old, high quality, and cheap. So what are you waiting for? Start taking some pictures!
Photos using this setup can be viewed here.

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